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Q&A: My Daughter Has Eczema & Acne And We’re At A Loss


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eczema for teens / acne solutions / green beauty / skincare for teens


Hi there!

I have been told by a few people to try your product for my daughter (a teen). I’ve seen your products for acne and eczema, and my daughter has both really, really bad. Everything we have tried to date, including prescriptions, has not worked for both her eczema and acne. The problem is, normally you treat one or the other (not both). Everything she has tried for eczema makes her ance worse and same with the acne. So if I was to get products for her would we have that same issue?

The other thing is that her eczema is out of control and on 70% of her body including her face, neck, and both arms do you sell bigger containers if we find that it works for her? The bottles seem small for the amount of eczema she has?

Thank you for your time!




Hey there!

Thanks for your question! Our heart goes out to your daughter. Having one chronic skin condition is tricky enough. Let’s hop right to it and get her on a healing path.

To start it sounds like your daughter’s eczema and acne are both in a severe state. This is a big red flag that she has some serious inflammation going on inside her body.  The following recommendations are based on my personal experience and those of our customers and should not replace medical advice.

Internal action items to address right aware include the following:
  • A strong probiotic (Suggest HMF intensive .. after that she can switch to one of the other HMF probiotics. Take 1 -2 times a day)
  • A good dose of EFA’s (Fish oil or sea buckthorn oil or evening primrose. All of these are available in capsule form. If taking fish oil, I suggest 2800 mg)
  • A  BIG dose of antioxidants (NAC + ALA would be Batty’s choice, but there are others they might want to consider. Go by the dose recommended on the packaging)
  • Zinc (30 mg a day)
  • Vitamin D  (start with 5 – 10 drops of Genestra D-Mulsion 400. That’s 400 iu x 5 – 10)
  • If she has really bad PMS symptoms, consider DIM (Estroblock or Estrobalance) with liver support (to help detox out all the excess estrogen the DIM will send to her liver) such as milk thistle. Plus dandelion root tea as often as possible (roasted tastes the best).

We also strongly recommend you consult with a naturopath to have food sensitivity testing done, or look into an independent lab that offers this type of testing. Also, consider cutting out the most common food triggers such as dairy, wheat, and processed sugar. I recently had the food sensitivity testing done and was shocked by some of the foods that were indicated as triggers for me. Without finding out what foods were bothering my system, the supplements mentioned above won’t be able to work to their full potential. While having her food sensitivities tested (since it’s a blood test), ask for vitamin D levels and hormone levels as well. The naturopath can go over the results with you and make a unique plan for her.

detox skincare kit / charcoal / green beauty / holistic beauty

Now, as for skin care, for her face, we recommend she start with the Detox Kit. It is really important that she use a hydrating product with the detox kit since she has such a severe case of eczema and acne. If her acne is more than mild right now we also recommend she use the Acne & Oil Balancing Mask.

To answer your question on whether we can provide the products in bigger containers, (unfortunately) we can’t. Even though the containers may seem small, you will be surprised at how far the products will go. You often don’t need as much as you may think.

Let us know how it goes and we hope she can find relief from both the eczema and acne.


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