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Radiant Rebel Spring Fling Skin Care – Seasonal Allergies


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seasonal allergies / acne journey / eczema / green beauty

Spring is a wonderful time of year.  The flowers start to peek through the ground, the trees grow buds and start to fill in with their leaves. It’s also the time those same trees and flowers release tiny grains of pollen into the air.

What does this have to do with your skin you ask?  Your immune system can set your whole body balance out of whack!
When your immune system starts to release antibodies (Histamines) into your blood to fight off that pesky pollen it can play havoc with your body.

Ragweed allergy sufferers can also experience increased skin inflammation such as acne.  Plants that are part of the ragweed family includes Calendula, Dog Fennel, Sage, Thistles, Burdock, Gerbera Daisy, Sunflower, and Dandelion.

Charcoal Detox Mask made with natural ingredients / skin detox / acne / green beauty

Certain foods can compound ragweed symptoms; they include honeydew (melon), cantaloupe, watermelon, bananas, sunflower seeds, honey, cucumber, and zucchini. Not everyone with a ragweed allergy will be affected by (any or all) these foods so you’ll have to judge for yourself how your body reacts.

Products with chamomile (also part of the ragweed family) can also make ragweed symptoms worse.

Some of the Grounded Sage products that are free of ragweed ingredients include our:


Some helpful tips to avoid airborne pollen

  • Keep your doors and windows closed when the pollen count is high(check our your local weather info, they usually post the pollen info.)
  • Use an air purifier and change your furnace filters more often.
  • Vacuuming carpets and vents more often can also help, just be sure to wear a mask as this will disturb the pollen and dust.
  • Pollen will settle in your hair while you go about your day outside so washing your hair with clean and kind hair care products will help as well.

Until next time,

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seasonal allergies / acne journey / eczema / green beauty




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