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10 Ways To Include Some Self-Care Over The Holidays


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self care / holistic healing/ green beauty / unwind / internal skincare

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… right? The truth is, it definitely can be if we take the time to be sure we’re taking care of ourselves. When our bodies are ragged, we tend to lose sight of the magic of the holidays because we’re barely holding it together.

That’s why we put together to list of our top 10 favourite ways to unwind during the holidays. Hopefully, a couple of these speak to your holiday spirit and remind you to include some self-care in your plans this season.


self care / holistic healing/ green beauty / unwind / internal skincare

  1. Practice deep breaths: In a moment of panic or stress, it’s very easy to lose sight of what the problem or challenge is. One of the quickest and easiest ways to regroup the mind it by stopping and taking some deep breaths. Focus solely on your breathing and let everything else fall away. After a few minutes of some mindfulness, you’ll be surprised how much clearer everything becomes.
  2. Go for a walk: Spending some time in nature has always had a magical way of grounding us. The fresh, crisp air this time of year can help waken the senses and give you a clear mind. Allow yourself to embrace your surroundings and let nature do its job.
  3. Put on some tunes: Find your favourite, upbeat playlist and blast away. Music can be a great mood changer and letting loose can reset the body. Dance like no one’s watching and you’re sure to start shaking off those stress bugs.
  4. Take a soak: Nothing says “relax” like a warm bath with your favourite bath time goodies. Might we suggest pairing your soak with one of our new Gingerbread Cookie Bubble Bars? The freshly baked scent of cookies without the calories (LOL!) plus the skin-softening properties of this bar is sure to take your relaxing bath to the next level.
  5. Shut down the screens: If you find that your mind tends to be at its busiest when it’s bedtime, one of the best things you can do is shut down your devices in advance of when you’re planning to crawl into bed. The blue and white lights of your screen can prevent the production of melatonin, leaving you feeling restless. It’s recommended that all screens should be off and ignored at least 1 hour prior to bedtime for optimal sleep.
  6. Have a cup of tea: Green Tea is a great option when you’re feeling stressed. It’s known to help alleviate anger and reduce stress.
  7. Do a face mask: A face mask doesn’t just soothe and treat the skin. It also forces us to slow down and take a breather. Throw on you favourite T.V. and allow your body to unwind while your skin also does some healing.
  8. Tidy up: Did you know cleaning can help reduce stress? It’s true! When your space is clean and organized, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed by your surroundings. Not to mention, there’s something to be said about the mesmerizing effect of repetitive scrubbing and dusting- LOL!
  9. Cuddle with a fur-baby: Giving and receiving a hug can be one of the most comforting things when you’re feeling stressed. That’s because it produces Oxytocin in your body, which is related to our happy hormones, so grab a cuddle buddy and throw on your favourite holiday movie.
  10. Remember, you CAN say NO: This time of year can get excessively busy. Our calendars fill up with holiday parties, family obligations and regular life stuff. It’s perfectly O.K. to turn down invitations if it’s just too much. Know and respect your boundaries. This time of year is supposed to be joyful, so let it be!


No matter how you define self-care, make sure it’s a part of your holiday plans. Giving may be a popular theme of the season, but if you’re not giving yourself what you need, it’s impossible to enjoy the rest. Let’s make it a happy holiday season!

Until next time,

Karla's signature


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self care / holistic healing/ green beauty / unwind / internal skincare


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