Hello 2025 everyone! It’s been a while.
As many of you know, Grounded Sage is in new hands! I figured I should introduce myself. Hi, I’m Amilee and I am super excited to be taking over and continuing on in providing all of you with the kind, holistic, effective skincare you’ve grown to love. 🌿
Now, to give you all the run down on how Grounded Sage became my favorite skincare company, and ultimately the one I’d come to operate!
My journey with skincare was a NIGHTMARE.
Like many of you, I found Grounded Sage after trying a lot of different avenues for my acne-prone, oily, sensitive, mess I called my skin. I absolutely hated my skin. It was one of my biggest insecurities forever hidden under layers of makeup and long hairdos. Let’s dive into the past a bit…
Everything started when I hit puberty…oh the gift of puberty, am I right? The oily-overproduced-sebum-on-my-forehead problem turned into the tell old tale of “drying up” my acne as a solution. Yikes. Not only did I use every acid under the sun, I was washing my face with menthol induced scrubs and solutions that had micro plastics, alcohols, heavy fragrance, harsh sulfates… you name it. Anyone else remember the Clean and Clear blue bottle labeled “hydrating”? 🤦♀️
Between the stridex pads and literal rubbing alcohol, (I’m so sorry skin!) I took drying out my acne to the extreme. Can you guess what happened next? As a result, I produced MORE oil and MORE acne. My mom took me to the dermatologist who recommended 10% benzoyl peroxide face wash, topical medicated cream, an oral antibiotic, AND medicated moisturizer. It was the prime teenage angsty years… plus glasses, braces, and a cherry-red-tomato-face full of cystic, inflamed acne that continually got worse.
I almost gave up, and then the Dr. prescribed 🙌 Accutane. The holy grail of all dermatology acne solutions. My acne finally DRIED up along with everything else on my body. The magic cure had worked!
Until it didn’t.
Two years later, the breakouts came back. This time, they were a mix of small and large bumps. Cystic, painful bumps that left deep scars. I had zero answers and zero confidence to boot.

It was time to start trying other options. I ditched all of the advice I was given… and opted for a new approach. “Maybe drying wasn’t the best thing for my acne,” I thought. I researched other options and came across the O.G. Grounded Sage Floral Aura quiz. My results were in: Desert Marigold read across the page. I quickly realized that my natural skin barrier was utterly destroyed by my previous routines. I needed to re-think my entire approach on the way I treated my skin. Inside and out.

Long story short…I never looked back. Grounded Sage not only changed my skin, It changed my relationship with myself. I went from full faced makeup every day since I was 13 years old, to not an ounce of makeup on my skin and feeling confident. I didn’t cry when I looked in the mirror. I didn’t wince when I touched my cheek. My skin looked normal, youthful, and healthier than ever. I raved about this revelation to my family, friends, and colleagues. For once, I had control of my skin with the help of a business I wholeheartedly trusted.
Then the announcement of closing hit. I panicked… my fountain of youth, gone.
Apparently many others also panicked because months after the announcement of closing I received notice that Grounded Sage could be up for grabs.
I knew I had to take that opportunity. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of the loyal customers who equally relied on the tools that gave them their confidence back just like it had given me mine.
Your Grounded Sage Skincare artisan & guide,
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Good News! The Grounded Sage shop is now open. New releases will be announced periodically over time as I whip up your favorites in the studio. Stay tuned 🌱