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Q&A: I’ve Made A Mess Of My Skin- Please Help!


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acne / skincare solution / green beauty / holistic beauty


Hi there,

Lately I’ve had some problems with minor acne on my chin, and it seams to not be going away. I’ve become very self conscious about it, so I keep trying to get rid of it. I’ve tried mostly the natural route, but when things weren’t clearing up, I bought a tube of Clearasil. I used it for a couple days but has really dried my skin out.

On the existing acne, it was very tender so I decided to wait until the existing stuff was gone first, but I just kept picking at it. Over the past few days, I couldn’t stop putting stuff on it and trying to rid my chin of it, and I ended up making a huge mess on my chin. It’s red, irritated and raw. There are scabs on it, and it’s just a big mess! I’ve even started to miss school because I’m so upset and conscious of it.

Please tell me what I can do to heal it, and at the same time, get rid of the acne. I really want to get rid of it, but I want to try the natural route because I don’t like the idea of a prescription for it. Please help me I’m running out of options.

P.S I have normal and sensitive skin




Hi There,

Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear that you’re having such a hard time with your skin. I have some suggestions after reading your email. I’ve broken them into EXTERNAL and INTERNAL actions.

detox skincare kit / charcoal / green beauty / holistic beauty


  • Start the Detox Skin Care Kit, and use until you run out of at least one product. The kit comes with a complete AM & PM routine for you to follow so it’s easy peasy to know exactly what to do.
  • Also, start using the Hydra Healing Gel on the places of your skin that need the most healing. You’ll want to apply this gel after washing your face and before applying your moisturizer both in the AM & PM.
  • Once the scabs and broken skin have healed, start applying a thin layer of the Acne & Oil Balancing Mask to the areas that you’re experiencing breakouts. You’ll want to apply this thin layer in the PM after washing your face and before your moisturizer. Continue to use the Hydra Healing Gel in the AM.
  • Stop picking! Adopt a “hands-off” approach to your skin. The only time you should be touching it is when you’re following your AM and PM skincare routine. And no picking, popping, or scratching at any time!



  • Start taking a probiotic supplement (I take “ProBio SAP-90” by NFH which I get from my Naturopath)
  • Start taking zinc (30mg daily)
  • Start taking an antioxidant supplement (I take “PhytoBerry” by Progressive)
  • Start taking a milk thistle supplement (I take “Milk Thistle Extract Formula” by Quest)
  • Consider taking EstroBlock or EstroBalance (I take EstroBalance which is availble in Canada. EstroBlock is available in the US)
    Because of where your breakouts are, I believe that EstroBlock or EstroBalance will help as it appears that one of the root causes of your acne is a hormonal imbalance.
  • If you do take EstroBlock or EstroBalance be sure to take the milk thistle supplement as well
  • Consider taking a B12 supplement

Follow these quick tips as best you can – the more you can naturally support your body’s ability to balance its hormones, the better!
This basically boils down to cleaning up your diet a little at a time (so it’s manageable and something you can stick with), getting enough sleep each night, and doing activities that reduce your stress levels (as well as removing any stressors that you can, and accepting the ones you can’t). Each of these things (diet, sleep, stress) all have a major influence on our hormones and without addressing these areas, our body will never be able to naturally balance itself.


I hope that helps! Please let me know if there’s anything I can clarify or help with further 🙂

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