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A Skin Detox- Sticking with it!


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Skin detoxing - how to stick with it! / green beauty skincare / healthy skin / balanced skin / resetting your skin /

By now we’re sure you’ve likely heard about our 30-Day Detox Challengebut we suspect that a few of you are on the fence about participating, so we thought it may help to have a little chat and answer some questions that may help to get you pumped up and ready to JOIN THE CHALLENGE!

If you’re not quite sure what a skin detox is, give ‘What is a skin reset & do I need one?’ a read.


Q: I’ve already set a bunch of goals for myself this year! Why should I do the Detox Challenge too?

A: First off- WAY TO GO! Having goals is one of the best ways to make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. This is also the EXACT reason we’re doing the 30-Day Detox Challenge! We’ve even laid the groundwork for you and will be providing you with everything you need to make sure this goal is super achievable!

As for the reasons you should participate? It’s really based on your personal skin care goals. A little while back we did a blog called “Do You Need to Detox Your Skin?”. Give it a read to find out if any of the reasons align with what you’re hoping to achieve this year.


Q: I suck at sticking with goals/challenges! How can I stay motivated?

A: Let get real for a minute… how many of us truly suck at this? I know I try to set big goals every year, and minus a couple key ones from over the years, they always fall through the cracks when life gets back to normal and chaos takes over my calendar.

We set-up this challenge in a way that even the least goal-oriented of us can achieve success. You’ll be supported all the way through. Even if you happen to fall off the wagon, we’ll be there to get you back on track- no judgment, just encouragement! You will be provided with easy-to-follow instructions that make the process crystal clear. We’ll also be available in the Radiant Rebel Facebook Group to help you with any questions, challenges or things you’re curious about.

All you have to do is SIGN UP and order your Detox Challenge Approved Skincare Kit.

detox skincare kit for a skin reset / made with natural ingredients | organic skincare | eco beauty | holistic earthy skincare | vegan skin care


Q: My schedule is nuts! Am I expected to report for duty every day?

A: Absolutely not! This challenge is designed to provide you with as little or as much support as you need! Make of it what you want- the ultimate goal is to give you a clean slate to work within the next steps of your skin care journey. We all have busy schedules and won’t be taking attendance.

On the other hand, if you feel like you need extra support, we’ll be here to work you through it. The best part is, you’ll be going through it with us! You’re bound to meet someone with similar skin concerns as you (someone you can bounce ideas, questions, and challenges off of).

The Radiant Rebel Facebook Group also helps provide some accountability for those of you who feel you need the push. If you have a friend who may be interested in taking the challenge, it’s always good to have a sidekick to conquer a goal with.


Q: Nothing else has worked for my skin. Why is this any different?

A: Great Question! This is one of the most common concerns we see from people who are new to us. Our Detox Challenge Approved Skincare Kits are quite unique to the industry, but we assure you there’s a purpose…

We continually switch up products to try and find some sort of magical skin potion, but ultimately, we end up confusing our skin causing complete chaos. This is especially important if those products you’ve been using contain harsh, pore-clogging ingredients that only add to the damage.

Remember- a skin detox is the starting point for your skin’s healing. It’s meant to clean up and calm down your skin in order to provide a fresh start. When our skin isn’t inundated by our routine, it stands a much higher chance of tackling those skin concerns … and doing so with success!

Our Detox Challenge Approved Skincare Kit is designed specifically to do just that! No fillers, unnecessary steps or harmful ingredients. It contains only the ingredients and products you need. It’s a balanced routine that tackles all four essential steps of any skin care routine (cleanse/exfoliate/moisturize/hydrate) without complicating things. When you’ve completed the challenge, you’ll be the proud owner of a new beginning. Your skin will be ready to take a more targeted approach. Many Radiant Rebels never even move on from our Detox Kit because the results are that great and were exactly what their skin was asking for!


Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can’t wait to see to hear about the results of your 30-Day Detox Challenge

With Love & Radiance,

Karla's signature.


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Skin detoxing - how to stick with it! / green beauty skincare / healthy skin / balanced skin / resetting your skin /


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Since 2009, Grounded Sage Skincare has helped thousands of customers with their skin by creating handcrafted skincare products, online workshops, and this blog, which has been a trusted resource for straightforward natural skincare information to over 2 million readers and counting.

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