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Moisturizers That Fight & Heal Acne

Moisturizing is an important part of any acne fighting routine and the right moisturizer can mean the difference between prolonging/causing acne and healing/clearing acne. That’s where my facial moisturizers come in: Patchouli Facial Moisturizer = healer & fighter of acne Forever Young Antioxidant Facial Moisturizer = fighter of acne Daily Detox Facial Moisturizer = fighter of acne …

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Why Your Cleanser Might Be Causing Your Breakouts

Although cleansing skin daily is an important part of any anti-acne routine, many cleansers are also the problem! Today I’m going to show you just what I mean. The popular belief with acne cleansers is that they need to remove every spec of oil from the skin… in essence, stripping the skin of any oil.. …

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A Common Cause of Adult Acne & How to Fix It

One of my last posts talked about a common cause of acne. I’m going to continue that thought in this post and address another common cause of acne: bacteria. There are tons of different species of bacteria that live on our skin. They don’t pose a problem until they start growing exponentially.  When that happens, …

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How to Make Green Laundry Soap With My CP Soap!

Now that my liquid laundry soap has been discontinued, I thought this was the perfect time to share how to make your own liquid laundry soap by using my cold press soap bars! This recipe is super easy and any of my CP soap bars will work! Here’s what you need: 2 bars of my cold …

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Blackheads: Causes + Solutions

So what are blackheads? Blackheads may make skin look dirty, but they are unrelated to dirt. They are actually created before the oils in your skin have even reached the other layer!  The Causes: Where do they come from? Blackheads are formed when: hormones cause too much oil to be produced dead skin cells get …

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What Olive Green Clay Really Does for Your Skin

Our Daily Detox Facial Moisturizer has it, our facial masks have it, and even our Green Tea & Pineapple Liquid Cleanser has it… what is it? It’s Olive Green Clay! Olive Green Clay is our “go-to clay” around here because it’s strengthening for all skin types! This clay has got it going on. It’s the …

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How to Make Your Soap Bars Last

Once you’ve tried handmade soap you want every silky skin loving bubble to last! Thankfully I won’t stop making handmade soap any time soon BUT I know you want each and every bar to last even longer than they already do! No problem! Here are a few tips on how to make them last! Don’t …

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Vitamin Deficiency & Your Skin

Taking your vitamins doesn’t mean you’ll never need to wash your face or exfoliate again. However, making sure you don’t have a vitamin deficiency can go a long way in helping your skin. Combined with the good old basics of skin care, proper nutrition could give your skin the boost it needs! Here are some common …

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borax or baking soda

Borax or Baking Soda Instead

If you’re looking for an affordable, “greener” way to clean, then look no further than how your great grandmother probably cleaned! I’m a huge fan of baking soda. I use it for, just about, everything but sometimes Borax is also a good substitute! Borax is chemically different from baking soda, but the two products share …

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Dead Sea Salt: Is it really better?

Today we take a look at one of the ingredients I use in our products: Dead Sea Salt Dead Sea Salt refers to salt extracted or taken from the Dead Sea. It is a popular ingredient of many common bath products including bath salts, salt scrubs, foot scrubs, body wraps, bath bombs, soaps, and a …

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